Welcome to our chapter!
The Associate Chapter of Lambda Phi Epsilon at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County was founded on April 14, 2018, by 12 daring, courageous, and handsome men. These men were mentored under the guidance of New Member Educator, Mr. Vincent Shieh and Assistant New Member Educator, Mr. Jonathon Choe; effectively making the University of Chicago (Psi Chapter) and the Virginia Commonwealth University (Alpha Sigma Chapter) the father chapters of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County.
The brothers of Lambda Phi Epsilon at UMBC are pleased to introduce our 🌟T.T Thetas🌟
Happy Thanksgiving from the Brothers of Lambda Phi Epsilon at UMBC!
UMBC Lambda Phi Epsilon presents our FALL 2023 EXECUTIVE BOARD!
The brothers of Lambda Phi Epsilon at UMBC are pleased to introduce our 🌟T.T Thetas🌟